Solidity by Example
- Basics
- ABI Decode
- ABI Encode
- Accessing Private Data
- Array
- Assembly Binary Exponentiation
- Assembly Error
- Assembly Conditional Statements
- Assembly Loop
- Assembly Math
- Assembly Variable
- Bi-Directional Payment Channel
- Bitwise Operators
- Block Timestamp Manipulation
- Call
- Calling Other Contract
- Chainlink Price Oracle
- Constant Product AMM
- Constant Sum AMM
- Constants
- Constructor
- Bypass Contract Size Check
- Precompute Contract Address with Create2
- Crowd Fund
- DAI Proxy Examples
- Data Locations - Storage, Memory and Calldata
- Delegatecall
- Denial of Service
- Deploy Any Contract
- Deploy Different Contracts at the Same Address
- Discrete Staking Rewards
- Dutch Auction
- Echidna
- English Auction
- Enum
- ERC1155
- ERC20
- ERC721
- Error
- Ether and Wei
- Applications
- Hacks
- Tests
- DeFi
- Translations
- Other
- Ether Wallet
- Events
- Fallback
- First Application
- Front Running
- Function Modifier
- Function Selector
- Function
- Gas Saving Techniques
- Gas
- Gasless Token Transfer
- Hashing with Keccak256
- Hello World
- Hiding Malicious Code with External Contract
- Honeypot
- If / Else
- Immutable
- Import
- Inheritance
- Interface
- Iterable Mapping
- Library
- For and While Loop
- Mapping
- EVM Memory Layout in Solidity
- Merkle Tree
- Minimal Proxy Contract
- Multi Call
- Multi Delegatecall
- Multi-Sig Wallet
- Contract that Creates other Contracts
- Arithmetic Overflow and Underflow
- Payable
- Phishing with tx.origin
- Primitive Data Types
- Source of Randomness
- Re-Entrancy
- Self Destruct
- Sending Ether (transfer, send, call)
- Shadowing Inherited State Variables
- Signature Replay
- Verifying Signature
- Simple Bytecode Contract
- Stable Swap AMM
- Staking Rewards
- Reading and Writing to a State Variable
- EVM Storage
- Structs
- Calling Parent Contracts
- Time Lock
- Transient Storage
- Try Catch
- Unchecked Math
- Uni-Directional Payment Channel
- Uniswap V2 Add Remove Liquidity
- Uniswap V2 Flash Swap
- Uniswap V2 Optimal One Sided Supply
- Uniswap V2 Swap
- Uniswap V3 Flash Swap Arbitrage
- Uniswap V3 Flash Loan
- Uniswap V3 Liquidity Examples
- Uniswap V3 Swap Examples
- Upgradeable Proxy
- Variables
- Vault Inflation
- Vault
- View and Pure Functions
- Visibility
- WETH Permit
- Write to Any Slot